Our Affiliate Programis free to join, it's easy to sign-up and get going. By signing up you provide yourself the opportunity to earn recurring credit each month your referral continues as a customer.
You may use these funds to purchase any service on Fragnet's website. If you sell a €30/month server, you can earn as much as €6/month as long as they stay a customer.
When you join the Fragnet.net affiliate program, you will be supplied with a range of banners and text links that you may place on your web site, friends web sites, forum signatures, etc. When a user clicks on one of your links to Fragnet.net, their purchase will be tracked by Fragnet.net. You will earn a commission of up to 15% from that point forward until the customer cancel's their account. By signing up to our Affiliate Program, you are also entitled to €5 bonus deposit.
Fragnet.net receives lots of sponsorship requests. These requests all provide the same message; Sponsor us and we'll advertise your company! Well, we have an even better plan. Use our Affiliate program and you'll earn money for your clan to use for services! No need to be in the mercy of any GSP, all of the sudden terminating your sponsored server without a reason.
Live statistics allow you to check your sales, traffic, account balance and see how your banners are performing.
10% of all sales you deliver, recurring
€20 - Minimum to earn before being able to use credit
€5 -